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What does Maths look like in Pae Ake?


Your child will talk about learning maths in a variety of different ways.


  • Workshops - these are small group sessions with a teacher.  Your child will be shown new strategies for solving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems.  They will also learn about fractions and ratios. Your child will have the opportunity to practice their developing understandings using equipment, diagrams or simple equations.

  • Must Do and Can Dos - these are self directed learning tasks that have been designed to allow your child to practice and maintain developing number knowledge concepts.  This could include learning basic facts, number sequence patterns, number identification and ordering numbers.

  • Strand Tasks - these are learning experiences where your child will learn through doing. They will be developing their understanding of; measurement, shapes, position and orientation, patterns (algebra), statistics and probability.  These tasks are often hands on and allow your child to manipulate equipment, try new ideas and create.

  • Rich Tasks - this is when you child will apply their learning to solve 'real life' problems.  These can be collaborative in nature, when your child will work with a small group of peers.  The discussion, negotiation, trial and error are all a vital part of the learning process.

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